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I am Katharina Schwarz, researcher and lecturer at the University of Trier, Germany. Find out more about my research interests by clicking on the pictures below and about me by clicking on the links above. Have fun!

Sensory Attenuation

What makes us author of our actions? What makes us responsible?

Expectancy Effects in Cognition

What You Expect Is What You Get:
Towards a Holistic View on Expectancy Effects in Cognition.

Actions in Social Context

Social Actions:
Cognitive Consequences of Acting in a Social Context.

History of Psychology

A Historical Perspective On Psychology.


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Dr. Katharina Schwarz
Kernscheider Höhenweg 2A
54296 Trier

Vertreten durch: Katharina Schwarz
Kontakt: mail(at)kaschwarz.net

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